Powder Metal Components
Amsted Automotive specializes in developing engineering solutions around high-tonnage, complex parts, optimizing a customer’s existing design to improve function or reduce the cost.

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The Amsted Industries companies are world renowned for highly engineered products with proven performance and reliability across a range of operating environments. With a legacy of manufacturing excellence and a commitment to innovation, our expert solutions continue to keep industry moving forward.
Amsted Automotive specializes in developing engineering solutions around high-tonnage, complex parts, optimizing a customer’s existing design to improve function or reduce the cost.
With world class experience within the cold forming and machining space, Amsted Automotive delivers precision components – including wheel bolts, transmission sleeves, anti-vibratory inner metals, and other precision safety critical components – at globally competitive pricing.
Baltimore Aircoil Company provides innovation and global leadership for sustainable process cooling solutions in industrial applications such as Power Generation, Steel, Pulp & Paper, and Injection Molding.
Amsted Global Solutions is uniquely qualified to produce large, highly complex castings, springs and components for robust industrial applications with unmatched reliability and precision.
Amsted Graphite Materials is a world leader in graphite material science with over 100 years of experience in the carbon and graphite industry. GRAFSTAR™ Advanced Graphite is an ideal choice for customers across multiple industries with demanding applications requiring high strength, low thermal expansion, and superior conductivity.