Amsted Rail acquires 100% ownership of Amsted Rail-Faiveley’s brake components for freight cars
Amsted Rail, the world leader in the design and manufacturing of railcar bogie systems, has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% ownership of the Amsted Rail-Faiveley brake component business. The acquisition by Amsted Rail will include Ellcon’s market leading brake components such as hand brakes, slack adjusters, empty load devices and ABU cylinders. In […]
Amsted Rail and GE form strategic partnership to add railcar performance monitoring to freight train intelligence
To build the next generation of intelligent freight trains where locomotives and railcars are continuously monitored, Amsted Rail and GE have teamed up to combine GE’s experience in train management andlocomotive monitoring with Amsted Rail’s expertise in onboard monitoring of railcar componentcondition. This solution integrates Amsted Rail’s IONX Edge™ monitoring system for railcars, whichfeatures a […]